In a world of growing needs and dwindling reserves, access to basic resources is becomingly increasingly complex and a source of tension. In response to these challenges, Veolia is developing durable solutions to supply the greatest possible number of people with the resources needed to ensure the wellbeing of communities, to make regions attractive and to underpin the performance of companies. These solutions include access to safe drinking water and energy services for cities and their inhabitants, services to industry to guarantee continuous supplies for production processes, and recovery systems for materials within a circular economy.

95 million people supplied with water
2,667 wastewater treatment plants managed
3,603 water production plants managed
63 million people connected to wastewater systems

42,053 thermal installations managed
615 heating and cooling networks managed
46 million MWh produced
2,389 industrial sites managed
560,505 business customers
49 million metric tons of treated waste
655 waste-processing facilities operated
43 million people provided with collection services on behalf of municipalities